Current Standings
The 2022 State MTB Orienteering League consisted of the following events:
Date | Venue/Results | Event type |
Sun 6 March | Metro North - Lake Claremont | MTBO season intro (not part of MTBOY) |
Sun 3 April | Metro South - Thornlie | MTBO season intro (not part of MTBOY) |
Sun 29 May | Dwellingup | MTBO Score 3 hour |
Sun 12 Jun | Heritage trail (Glen Forrest) | MTBO Standard |
Sun 24 July | Pickering Brook | WA Middle Distance Championships |
Sun 28 Aug | Murray Valley South | WA Long Distance Championships |
Male MTB Orienteer of the Year was Hadrien Devillepoix.
Female MTB Orienteer of the Year was Debbie McKay.