
Hill Park Dale, SW of Beverley

The Hill Park Dale map is on scenic private farm land south-west of Beverley. The area mapped consists of high-quality farmland with complex contour features, remnant vegetation, cleared paddocks and extensive rock detail. Courses have been set to cater for all levels of orienteering. The assembly area has expansive views and is a great area for picnicking.

Please note: Because of recent wet weather it may be necessary to change the position of the assembly


Pony Road, off West Talbot Road, Mount Observation

Entries are now open in Eventor for a standard orienteering event at Wundabiniring Brook (SW Mt Observation) on September 5th. Come and enjoy the challenge of running on a map little used over the past few years.

A full range of courses is offered from H1 to VE to suit all standards and ambitions. There is a range of terrain from relatively flat, partly cleared very runnable land around the Helena River, leading into more rocky spur/gully


Yarra Road & Jib Road Junction, off Great Southern Highway

Entries are now open in Eventor for a standard orienteering event at Marginata in the Helena Valley on 12th September.  This is the last bush event before the Long Distance Championships the following weekend so there will be H1 to H5 Courses as well as Moderate, Easy and Very Easy on offer. The course lengths will give all a chance to test their legs before the Champs. Given the rainy winter we've had, we are anticipating a spectacular


Christmas Tree Creek

The WA Club Relays will take place at Christmas Tree Creek on the western edge of John Forrest National Park. The terrain is mostly open with rock features and small patches of bush. The Paterson's Curse is flourishing so this will make for slower running. The Hard Open courses will cross the creek. Bring a change of shoes and socks!

Non-relay participants and casual members may Enter on the Day at the event. Courses available will be Easy, Moderate, and a Hard Masters.



Bradford Street, Mt Lawley

Course setters have made the most of this compact area to produce enjoyable and challenging courses for all ages and levels. Hard courses use the student accommodation area as well as the main campus, with the long course also taking competitors to the adjacent Mount Lawley High school grounds.

Assembly area: Visitor Carpark 1 off Bradford St.

Registration: Pre-entry via Eventor is available and is preferred. Entries close at noon on Saturday 21st August.
On the day


Willetton Senior High School, Pinetree Gully Road, Willetton

Come along to try out the intricate pathways that characterise Willetton Senior High School. This is another SOL (State O League) event so you'll have the opportunity to earn some OY points.

Pre-entry via Eventor is preferred. Entries close at 9 am on Saturday 14th August, the day of the event. However, EOD (Enter on the Day) will be available at the event 1:00 - 2:30 pm.
Which course should I enter? Read the SOL rules before


Channing Road, Gorrie

Look forward to varied terrain at this event: open jarrah forest, areas of dense grass trees, some patches of thick vegetation, steeper hillsides with rock detail, and open fast-running areas. Being a middle distance event, the hard courses have an emphasis on detailed navigation in technical terrain.

Information about the event can be found on Eventor, and an Information flyer is available. Entries for the Championships have closed. 
You can still Enter on the Day, but


Lake Leschenaultia

Come to Lake Leschenaultia to enjoy mostly gently undulating terrain. Each course traverses bushland and a lakeside section, mostly on fire breaks but with some single tracks too.

Pre-entries are now open in Eventor, and are required to enter the championship events. Pre-entries close at 23:59 on Wednesday 4 August.

For those looking for a more relaxed and non-championship kind of day, entry on the day is available for select courses (see  Information Flyer >> here)

This is


800 Hillcroft Rd, Jelcobine near Brookton

Frazzle comprises mostly open farmland with many detailed rock areas and many clearings and rock surfaces. You are welcome to come to Frazzle on the Saturday before the event and camp with your fellow orienteers.

This is an SOL (State O League) event so you will be able to track how your performance is going by running the nominated course for your age group. You can compare your times with others in your age group and earn OY (Orienteer of the Year) points


Tour de Narrogin

Scene of the Australian Middle Distance Championships in April 2019, Foxes Lair has been re-incarnated as an MTBO map.
Runners are also welcome to enter if they'd like a long track run. The area is popular with local and visiting walkers so due caution is required. The eastern end of the map has an interesting area of single track developed by the local Wheatbelt Cycling Collective - all of the tracks are one way.

Please comply with any COVID-19 restrictions in place at the


Gunapin Ridge, west of Beverley

SOL (State O League) events allow you to track how your performance is going by running the nominated course for your age group. You can compare your times with others in your age group, and also earn OY (Orienteer of the Year) points that are used to determine who wins the Orienteer of the Year awards. Gunapin is the first such event for 2021.

Gunapin terrain is mostly undulating bush land with many detailed rock areas and many clearings and rock surfaces. 


Christmas Tree Creek

The very popular Women’s Training Day returns! It’s always been a lot of fun, combining some bush training with some socialising.

When: Sunday 11th July, start time 9.30 am sharp.
Where: Christmas Tree Creek in John Forrest National Park.

Activities: We will be dividing you into two groups based on your level of orienteering experience, so hopefully there will be something at an appropriate level to develop your skills.

Lunch: We will book to have lunch in a local


John Forrest National Park, Darlington

Same place, but on a new day!

Jaunt at John Forrest, to be held in John Forrest National Park, is an ideal introductory event to bush orienteering. The event is close to Perth and designed to ensure that you are never far from a track. Try some trail walking or running with a difference.
Note that there is a fee payable to enter the National Park: details are at

Please note: Please comply with any COVID-19


John Forrest National Park, Darlington

POSTPONED due to current COVID restrictions. Please check back for future scheduling.

Jaunt at John Forrest, to be held in John Forrest National Park, is an ideal introductory event to bush orienteering. The event is close to Perth and designed to ensure that you are never far from a track. Try some trail walking or running with a difference.

Please note: Please comply with any COVID-19 restrictions in place at the time of the event and continue to


Jorgensen Park, Kalamunda

Come and enjoy, once more, the fun of finding your way through the old fairways, the parrot bush paths, the tracks crisscrossing the start of the Bibbulmun track at Kalamunda. We have had good rain this year so the bush is sparkling and the terrain soft underfoot. The usual courses, ranging from Very Easy (suitable for beginners and the very young) through to Medium where you have some help with navigational ‘handles’ such as paths and streams and powerlines, to the


OWA Sponsors

Australian Sports Commission
Department of Local Government,Sport and Cultural Industries

Acknowledgement of country

Noongar country logo 2023 150pxNgalak kaaditj nidja Noongar Boodjar. Koora-Yeyi-Kalyakool.

Orienteering WA acknowledges the Noongar people, the Traditional and continuing Custodians of the land on which we gather to enjoy our sport, and pay our respects to Elders past and present.