Sunday 10th June 2018
Pechey Road, Jane Brook, Swan View
NavDash returns to the bush for this event, so think creeks instead of buildings, and rocks instead of stairs. The area is fast and open, with plenty of detail to keep you thinking. The recent rain means the grass is green, so it’s a perfect time to enjoy competing in this bush area on the edge of metropolitan Perth.
Registration: 9am -10.30am
Start Times: 9.30am until 11am
Courses: Long, Short, Easy
Courses Close:12pm sharp. Please return to the Assembly Area by 12.00pm, even if you have not completed your course.
Facilities:Cake Stall and Toilets.
Don't foget your SI stick.
Xmas Tree Creek is on Pechey Rd, Jane Brook, approximately 2.2km north from the Morrison Rd - Pechey Rd intersection in Swan View. Please park on the road verge.