Russell’s Gully (Brigadoon), Sunday 26th May 2013
The annual inter-club relay is an exciting and fun event for all OAWA members, new and old. The classes and courses are designed to cater for all standards and age groups, and the format is designed to provide shorter courses than usual, but with the option to do two courses for those who prefer a longer run.
Your Club desperately needs you to participate so that they can win the fabulous and famous Rutty Relay Rock trophy. However, there really is no pressure on individuals – if you have seen the trophy you will know that the four Clubs who don’t win collectively breathe a sigh of relief! Family groups can be accommodated in the same team or in different teams if they prefer. The Relays are a great way to meet your Club mates, especially if have recently joined. And with the event area close to Perth it’s easy to get too as well.
So, get in touch with your Club Convenor now to nominate that you’ll be there. For casual members, there will be enter on the day courses available after 10.20am.
Details of the event, including classes and courses and precise directions to the registration area are in the latest O Express newsletter (pages 6-7).