bridgetandsimonDryandra National Park, 15th – 17th April 2019

This year Orienteering WA is running a special Junior Orienteering Camp, thanks a Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSCI) grant to bring two of Australia’s top junior coaches to WA for the Easter School Holidays. The timing of the Camp just before the Easter 2019 Carnival gives WA juniors the opportunity to be well prepared for the events.

Make sure to nominate for the Junior Camp in Eventor to confirm your place and while budding WA Nomads, should complete their Nomads nomination through Rachel West.

The Coaches
Bridget Anderson and Simon Uppill, who have piloted the South Australian School Team into the top ranks, and are both Australian Elite Champions, will be in WA for the two holiday weeks.

Bridget won the Australian Middle Distance Championships in 2016, and was a member of the Australian World Orienteering Championships (WOC) team in 2012 and 2017. Simon has won Australian Championships in all three disciplines (Sprint, Middle and Long) on multiple occasions. He has won the Australian 3 Days four times, and been a fixture in Australian WOC teams almost every year since 2008. Bridget has previously been coach of the Queensland School team, and she and Simon are currently coaches of the SA School team and the SA Junior National League team.

Lions Dryandra Woodland Village
The camp will commence after lunch (BYO) on Monday 15th April, and finish after lunch on Wednesday 17th April.

Who Can Attend
There are up to 50 vacancies for WA Juniors aged from 10 to 20 years, from novice juniors right up to junior members of the Nomads. Several Orienteering WA coaches will also be at the Camp.

It is especially important for Junior Nomads and anyone aiming for School Team selection this year to attend the Camp and take advantage of the expert coaching from Bridget and Simon. Several Orienteering WA coaches will also be attending the Camp, so all the juniors will benefit from a high coach/junior ratio.


Registration and Payment must be made through Eventor.

Prior to completing your registration and payment in Eventor you should review these documents:

Junior Camp Information Flyer

Registration form for Juniors

Registration form for Junior Nomads

Most juniors will need their parents to complete part of the form and sign it. There is a separate nomination for Junior Nomads aged 18 and over. The registration forms should be completed and emailed to Tony Simpkins at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Camp Excursion
A highlight of the Camp will be an evening excursion to the Barna Mia Nocturnal Wildlife Experience, to meet Bilbies, Numbats, Woylies, and many other rare marsupials! There is a separate fee for this excursion (payable in Eventor), and places are limited on a first come, first served basis.

Other Information
Bridget and Simon will also mentor our Junior Schools Squad and Junior Nomads at each of the Carnival events. Juniors who have nominated for the WA Schools team, and WA Junior Nomads will be able to meet with Bridget and Simon after each of the Carnival events, to talk about the day’s courses. Nick Dale will be coordinating these sessions, so look for Nick after you have completed your course each day.

If you are unable to attend the Camp for any reason, Bridget and Simon will conduct another Junior Coaching Day on the 24th April at Dryandra on the Wednesday after the Easter 3 Days, so there is the opportunity to arrive in Narrogin a day early before participating in SWOT’s Wandoo Wander and the Australian Sprint Championships and the Australian Middle Distance Championships.

Thanks  to DLGSCI for the funding, and to Bridget and Simon for their time and enthusiasm!

Key Personnel
Tony Simpkins
OWA Technical Convenor & Level 1 Coach


Our Sponsors

Australian Sports Commission
Department of Local Government,Sport and Cultural Industries