To be a full member of OWA you must pay an annual membership fee each calendar year.
Fees for the 2025 membership year are listed below.

Annual Membership Fees  Fee for Metro Clubs
(Full OWA and BO, KO, LOST & WOW Club Membership)
Fee for Regional Clubs
(SWOT & ADHOC Club Memberships,
 see note 4)
Adult $60 $40
Junior - under 21 years
(Note 2)
$30 $20
Full-time student
(Note 3)
$40 $20

1. All membership applications will be reviewed by the Membership Secretary's team. Membership cards will only be issued should all criteria be met correctly.

2. Juniors are aged under 21 as of 31 December of the membership year.

3. Concessional fees: Concession means holder of one of the following Centrelink benefit cards;

  • the Health Care Card (HCC),
  • the Pensioner Concession Card (PCC) or
  • the Low Income Health Care Card (LIHCC).

The Commonwealth Seniors Health Care Card or WA Seniors Card do not qualify.

A scan of the appropriate proof of concession will need to be emailed to the Membership Secretary before a membership card will be issued. Memberships cards will be stamped "CONCESSION" and need to be presented at the caravan for reduced entry fees.

Full time students over 21 years of age are offered a concession membership.

4. Reduced membership rate for regional clubs, SWOT (Bunbury) & ADHOC (Albany) are provided recognising the restricted access members will have to events. These rates are for those based outside of the Perth metro area.

5. In line with OA policy, family memberships are no longer available (from 2025).

OWA Sponsors

Australian Sports Commission
Department of Local Government,Sport and Cultural Industries

Acknowledgement of country

Noongar country logo 2023 150pxNgalak kaaditj nidja Noongar Boodjar. Koora-Yeyi-Kalyakool.

Orienteering WA acknowledges the Noongar people, the Traditional and continuing Custodians of the land on which we gather to enjoy our sport, and pay our respects to Elders past and present.